Cheapest Advantage for Cats Over 9 Lbs. ~~ 4 Months (Purple) Overview
British Advantage is the same as US Advantage, but it is packaged in kilos instead of pounds. It is made in the same Bayer factory. It is legal for an individual to purchase it, but it cannot be resold in the US.Product Features
- Kills fleas quickly
- Treatment lasts for 30 days
- Safe for use on cats and rabbits over 9 pounds
- Shipped from England, taking 7-10 days to arrive
- MUCH cheaper than US Advantage
- Advantage Topical Flea Treatment for Dogs 11-20 Lbs (4 Applications)
- Advantage Topical Solution Flea Treatment for Cats Over 9 Pounds, 6 Applications
- Advantage Flea Control for Cats 0-9 lbs Orange 4 Month
- Advantage Flea Control Purple: For cats over 9 lbs. 4 Month
- Advantage for Cats Under 9 Lbs. ~~ 4 Months